The Yellow Line

Stockholm is developing and the metrois growing with three new lines. &Rundquist is architect for the Yellow line, with three new stations: HagastadennHagalundArenastaden.

The assignment includes the design of the subway stations, from the planning stage to detailed design and production of a station-type, which will be the basis for the deployment of all new stations on the three lines.

The design of the new stations builds on Stockholm tradition, where each metro station has a unique expression, but where new standards of comfort, technology and safety create different conditions for the architecture. Each station will be portrayed in collaboration with artists.

More information about the project at SLL

  • Client: FUT, Förvaltning för utbyggd tunnelbana, Stockholms läns landsting
  • Year: 2014-2022
  • Location: Stockholm och Solna

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